
Drama definition
Drama definition

The theme of a play could be blind love or the strength of selfless love and sacrifise, or true friendship. For example, the theme of a play could be of how greed leads to one’s destroyal, or how the wrong use of authority ultimately results in the end of power. It is the message that the play gives to the audience. The theme is the philosophy that forms the base of the story or a moral lesson that the characters learn. It can either be clearly stated through dialog or action, or can be inferred after watching the entire performance. The theme of a play refers to its central idea. This Buzzle article introduces you to the elements of drama and their importance. What dictates most other dramatic elements is the setting that is the time period and location in which the story takes place.

drama definition

Lighting, sound effects, costumes, makeup, gestures or body language given to characters, the stage setup, and the props used can together be considered as symbols that are elements of drama.

drama definition

While some consider music and visuals as separate elements, others prefer to club them under staging which can be regarded as an independent element of drama. It forms the central theme of the play around which the plot is built. Through the characters involved, the story has a message to give. The story progresses through verbal and non-verbal interactions between the characters, and the presentation is suitably supplemented by audio and visual effects. In enacting the roles, actors portray the character’s emotions and personalities. A story is dramatized, which means the characters and events in the story are brought to life through a stage performance by actors who play roles of the characters in the story and act through its events, taking the story forward. Out of these, the first two are the most important ones according to Aristotle.ĭrama can be defined as a dramatic work that actors present on stage. The six Aristotelian elements of drama are, plot, character, thought, diction, spectacle, and song.

Drama definition